Cultural Geographer /
I'm a cultural geographer and a Lecturer in Digital Culture, Society and Economy in the Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London. I have a PhD from Royal Holloway University of London, working in partnership with the Ordnance Survey on studying everyday digital mapping practices. I'm primarily interested in the tensions and contradictions that emerge when we examine how digital society and technology is theorised alongside how everyday life is lived. I'm the editor-in-chief of the Livingmaps Review, a bi-annual journal for radical and critical cartography. We welcome a range of submission styles from academics, artists, activists and others interested in maps and mapping practices. I'm also a member of the recently established Mapping Futures Imaginaries network.
A unique approach to maps, exploring how they have shaped society and culture. Maps go far beyond just showing us where things are located. All Mapped Out is an exploration of how maps impact our lives on social and cultural levels. This book takes readers on a journey through the fascinating history of maps, from ancient cave paintings and stone carvings to the digital interfaces we rely on today. But it’s not just about the maps themselves; it’s about the people behind them. Discover how maps have affected societies, influenced politics and economies, impacted the environment, and even shaped our sense of personal identity. Mike Duggan uncovers the incredible power of maps to shape the world and the knowledge we consume. This is a unique and eye-opening perspective on the significance of maps in our daily lives.
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Counter-Mapping Research and Pedagogy in the UK and India
In 2023 I started a collaboration with Savyasachi Anju Prabir (National Institute of Design, India) to develop a teaching and research collaboration around the theme of counter-mapping in the UK and India. Two summer schools took place in 2023; January at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, and June at King's College London. This collaboration is supported by the NID and KCL Global Engagement Partnership fund
Introducing a new project that uses artistic intervention to challenge the data collection practices of videoconferencing.
Communication infrastructures and students’ pathways to navigating London as a digital city
Inspired by critical technology, urban and education studies, the Outsmarted project, led by Dr Alevizou, worked with KCL students from Digital Humanities and Liberal Arts to explore their experiences of London in terms of culture and communication infrastructures, places and spaces for knowledge, learning and leisure. Deploying a range of participatory pedagogies and qualitative methods, as well as creative and computational thinking, it drew insights into students’ understanding of the ‘digital’ (culture, media, connections, networks and infrastructures and frames surrounding ‘appification’) in the city.
To read more about the project and download the toolkit, please click here
Please contact me if you would like a copy of the following
Elsden, C., Chatting, D., Duggan, M., Dwyer, A. and Thornton, P. (2022). Zoom Obscura: Counterfunctional Design for Video-Conferencing. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22).
Kiminami, C. A. G. & Duggan, M. (2022). Locative media communities, social media and cultures of enthusiasm. International Journal of Performance Art and Digital Media. (online first).
Duggan, M. (2021). Embracing the plurality of the carto-sphere. Dialogues in Human Geography (online first).
Duggan, M. (2021). Cruising landscape-objects: inland waterway guidebooks and wayfinding with them. Cultural Geographies, 29(2): 167-183.
Duggan, M. (2019). Cultures of Enthusiasm: An Ethnographic Study of Amateur Map-Maker Communities. Cartographica, 54(3): 217-229.
Duggan, M. (2019). Spatial Media and Cycling Spaces: A Theory of Coded Attractors. Area, 52(2): 322-328.
Duggan, M. (2018). Navigational Mapping Practices: Context, Politics, Data. Westminster Papers in Communication, 13(2): 31-45.
Duggan, M. (2017). Questioning ‘Digital Ethnography’ in an Era of Ubiquitous Computing. Geography Compass, 11(5): 1-12.
Duggan, M. (2017). The Cultural Life of Maps: Everyday Place-Making Mapping Practices. Livingmaps Review, 3
Duggan, M. (2024). All Mapped Out. London: Reaktion Books.
Cohen, P. and Duggan, M. (2021). New Directions in Radical Cartography: Why the Map is Never the Territory. Rowman & Littlefield.
Arcidiacono, D. and Duggan, M. (2019). Sharing Mobilities: Questioning Our Right to the City in the Collaborative Economy. London: Routledge (Forward by Juliet Schor)
Duggan, M. (2021). Mobile, spatial and locative media. In: von Benzon, N., Holton, M., Wilkinson, C. and Wilkinson, S. (Eds). Creative Methods for Human Geographers. London: Sage. (pp. 245-258).
Duggan, M. (2018). The Lived Experiences of a Digitalising World. In: Gäbler, K. and Felgenhauer, T. (Eds). Geographies of Digital Culture. London: Routledge. (pp. 71-83).
Duggan, M. (2020). Review Essay. Rossetto, T. (2019). Object Oriented Cartography: Maps as Things. Livingmaps Review, 8
Duggan, M. (2019). Review Essay. Edney, M. (2019). Cartography: The Ideal and its History. Livingmaps Review, 7
Duggan, M. (2015) Book Review. Wilken, R. & Goggin, G. (2012). Mobile Technology and Place. Routledge, London. Society and Space
Duggan, M. (2014). Book review. Miller, D. & Sinanan, J. (2014). Webcam. Polity Press, Cambridge. Society and Space
Duggan, M and Kiminami, C. (2021). Reflecting on Locative Media Art
With Fred Adam and Geert Vermeire. Livingmaps Review, 10
Mapping Interfaces: An Ethnography of Everyday Digital Mapping Practices. (2017). Awarded by Royal Holloway University of London
I teach on a range of undergraduate and graduate-level courses in the Department of Digital Humanities, King's College London
These have included:
History of Networked Technologies
Theories of New Media
Digital Foundations II
Digital Foundations III
Big Data, Culture & Society
Contemporary Trends in Digital Theory
Cultural Analytics
Introduction to Digital Culture and Society
The Sharing Economy and its Discontents
Digital Entrepreneurship
Digital Industries and Internet Culture
London as a Digital City
Micro Perspectives on the Digital Economy
Ethnography for the internet
Maps, Apps and the Geoweb